Prepare To Perform
Physiotherapy | Education
Hi, I'm Greg!
How can I help you?
I spent a lot of years at university, studying science, physiotherapy and later specialising in sports physiotherapy.
Then I went out into the world to study real life, and serve people of all cultures, races, nationalities, occupations, sports and adventures.
These days I help each one of you in person or online, from the smallest "niggle" or pain, to missions of performance.
My Story
I'm a Registered International Sports Physical Therapist with 25 years servicing people all over the world!
I'm a student of success and adventure. I lived and worked as a sports physio in 5 countries, taught in 10, and visited over 30, to study the toughest athletic environments and what consistently leads to success, efficiency and safety. I have also taught advanced palpation, clinical integration, lymphatic and visceral manual therapy techniques seminars internationally.
I'm now a servant to weekend warriors, mums and dads and budding future champions of sport and adventure!
I'm still doing some clinical education domestically and abroad and even published a book after 10+ years of research on Returning to Field-Sports Running.